Sextant conducts groundbreaking multi-modal CA political survey comparison
With more email addresses on the California voter file than wireless phone numbers (which, in many CA political surveys, and a small sub-universe of potential respondents willing to answer their phones, it is time for California’s political pollsters to begin taking advantage of this resource.
Jonathan Brown, President of Sextant Strategies & Research, conducted a survey among likely 2018 general election voters in Orange County, CA with 400 phone respondents and 333 internet respondents. In addition to finding that President Trump and the Republican Congressional majority were poorly regarded by all but GOP partisans, the survey found consistency across modalities on most questions. This indicates that the inclusion of internet respondents (linked to their voter file data) is an effective way to provide representative samples in cost-effective ways for candidates and political committees at all levels of politics.
Comparison Toplines: SextantDP – Orange County – Comparison Toplines_4 categories v2
Crosstabs for combined sample: OCDP COMBINED TABS #2 5-21-17
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